When we use embed a process dashboard link in an email to end-user using the lin

When we use embed a process dashboard link in an email to end-user using the linktoprocessdashboard() function. It generated a url like ...suite/proc/2970 where 2970 is the process id. However by clicking the link, it will take users to the designer portal instead of the apps portal and the end-users won't have access to the designer portal anyway. So how can we set up a correct process dashboard url here for end-users to click? ...



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  • You will have to use a native HTML link if you want to specify where to render the process dashboard. You can achieve this by using a rule, here's a sample rule forum.appian.com/.../85019 you can use as a reference.

    The rule builds HTML links to display content in a specific application and tab and can be invoked in a Web Content Chanel with Dynamic Data for example, as follows:

    rule!FORUM_EXAMPLES_buildLinkToDisplayInAppsPortal("home","welcome","proc/2970","Click Here to Open the Process Dashboard",false)

    Here is what each parameter means:

    1. "home": Open the application called "home"
    2. "welcome": Open the tab of this application called "welcome"
    3. "proc/2970": you can pass the content you want to display in that tab such as kc/1, to display the knowledge center with ID 1, proc/2970 to go to this process' dashboard, etc.
    4. "Click Here to Open the Process Dashboard": Text to display in the link
    5. false: Should it be opened it in a new window?
  • You will have to use a native HTML link if you want to specify where to render the process dashboard. You can achieve this by using a rule, here's a sample rule forum.appian.com/.../85019 you can use as a reference.

    The rule builds HTML links to display content in a specific application and tab and can be invoked in a Web Content Chanel with Dynamic Data for example, as follows:

    rule!FORUM_EXAMPLES_buildLinkToDisplayInAppsPortal("home","welcome","proc/2970","Click Here to Open the Process Dashboard",false)

    Here is what each parameter means:

    1. "home": Open the application called "home"
    2. "welcome": Open the tab of this application called "welcome"
    3. "proc/2970": you can pass the content you want to display in that tab such as kc/1, to display the knowledge center with ID 1, proc/2970 to go to this process' dashboard, etc.
    4. "Click Here to Open the Process Dashboard": Text to display in the link
    5. false: Should it be opened it in a new window?
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