Log information in the grid

Hi All,

I have a use case where I need to show some of the log files such as audit/news_usage.csv and login-audit.csv in the grid. For the news usage grid,I have a grid columns such as Username, Action, Timestamp. And I have used readcsvlog() function and it is returning the csv contents. I am worried how to retrieve the contents from this log file and show up in the gird.

Please let me know how to achieve this.

Thanks in advance!


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  • @ashman Hi, you may choose any one of the following approaches to read, format and display the data:

    Approach - 1:

    Create a formatted CDT which contains the fields that can hold data from news_usage.csv and here is how you should do it:

    Step - 1: Create a CDT as follows:


    Step - 2: Now create an expression which will populate the formatted cdt with the data from news_usage.csv and additionally you need to format the data read from news_usage.csv prior to assigning it to formatted cdt created above.

    local!pagingInfo: a!pagingInfo(startIndex: 1, batchSize: 10,sort:a!sort(field:"timestamp_ts",ascending:false)),
    \tlocal!newsUsageCsvData: fn!readcsvlogpaging(
    \t csvPath: "audi
    \t startIndex: 1,
    \t batchSize: -1
    \tlocal!listOfUser_txt: fn!getdistinctusers(cons!GROUP_CONTAINING_ALL_USERS),
    \tlocal!listOfUuid_text: fn!apply(
    /*Just to let you know, uuid is a hidden attribute of User object and above two variables are intended for obtaining the user name by uuid. For more information, refer the rule at /search?q=OriginalPostID-203272 written by @mschmitt and you may use it directly.*/
    \t/*Refer to Step - 3 for implementation of rule!populateNewsUsageLogCDT() */
    \ trow: _,
    \ tlistOfUser_txt: local!listOfUser_txt,
    \ tlistOfUuid_text: local!listOfUuid_text
    \ t),
    \ tlocal!newsUsageCsvData.rows
    local!datasubset: a!dataSubset(
    startIndex: local!pagingInfo.startIndex,
    batchSize: local!pagingInfo.batchSize,
    totalCount: fn!length(local!listOfNewsUsageCsvCdt),
    data: local!listOfNewsUsageCsvCdt
    /*Now the datasubset is ready and you can use it anywhere.*/

    Step - 3: A rule that actually reads each row (of news_usage.csv) and assigns the formatted values finally to type!newsUsageLogCDT, one at a time.

    1. row (Text)
    2. listOfUser_txt(Text Multiple)
    3. listOfUuid_text (Text Multiple)


    local!splitCells: fn!split(ri!row,","),
    \t/*Data will be in the text format, so we need to split it.*/
    \ ttimestamp_ts: local!splitCells[1],
    \ t/*Apply a date time conversion function above if you really want the data in timestamp format*/
    \ tuser: fn!index(ri!listOfUser_txt, fn!wherecontains(local!splitCells[2], ri!listOfUuid_text))
    \ taction_txt: local!splitCells[3]

    1. You can format the data.(Obviously no one wants to see uuid of a user and in fact it isn't recognisable by designer as well)
    2. As you are assigning the data to the fields in CDT, sorting is possible.
    1. You need to write your own code as mentioned above.

    Approach - 2:

    Have a look at rule!LR_displayCsv() and create a new version of it by removing the unwanted elements (such as filters, details etc).

    1. You may have most of the code in hand and you don't need to invest much time if you just want to replicate the grid.
    1. Sorting isn't possible.
    2. Formatting is possible if and only if you customise the grid in rule!LR_displayCsv() and in this case, it's more or less equal to Approach - 1 excluding few steps.
  • @ashman Hi, you may choose any one of the following approaches to read, format and display the data:

    Approach - 1:

    Create a formatted CDT which contains the fields that can hold data from news_usage.csv and here is how you should do it:

    Step - 1: Create a CDT as follows:


    Step - 2: Now create an expression which will populate the formatted cdt with the data from news_usage.csv and additionally you need to format the data read from news_usage.csv prior to assigning it to formatted cdt created above.

    local!pagingInfo: a!pagingInfo(startIndex: 1, batchSize: 10,sort:a!sort(field:"timestamp_ts",ascending:false)),
    \tlocal!newsUsageCsvData: fn!readcsvlogpaging(
    \t csvPath: "audi
    \t startIndex: 1,
    \t batchSize: -1
    \tlocal!listOfUser_txt: fn!getdistinctusers(cons!GROUP_CONTAINING_ALL_USERS),
    \tlocal!listOfUuid_text: fn!apply(
    /*Just to let you know, uuid is a hidden attribute of User object and above two variables are intended for obtaining the user name by uuid. For more information, refer the rule at /search?q=OriginalPostID-203272 written by @mschmitt and you may use it directly.*/
    \t/*Refer to Step - 3 for implementation of rule!populateNewsUsageLogCDT() */
    \ trow: _,
    \ tlistOfUser_txt: local!listOfUser_txt,
    \ tlistOfUuid_text: local!listOfUuid_text
    \ t),
    \ tlocal!newsUsageCsvData.rows
    local!datasubset: a!dataSubset(
    startIndex: local!pagingInfo.startIndex,
    batchSize: local!pagingInfo.batchSize,
    totalCount: fn!length(local!listOfNewsUsageCsvCdt),
    data: local!listOfNewsUsageCsvCdt
    /*Now the datasubset is ready and you can use it anywhere.*/

    Step - 3: A rule that actually reads each row (of news_usage.csv) and assigns the formatted values finally to type!newsUsageLogCDT, one at a time.

    1. row (Text)
    2. listOfUser_txt(Text Multiple)
    3. listOfUuid_text (Text Multiple)


    local!splitCells: fn!split(ri!row,","),
    \t/*Data will be in the text format, so we need to split it.*/
    \ ttimestamp_ts: local!splitCells[1],
    \ t/*Apply a date time conversion function above if you really want the data in timestamp format*/
    \ tuser: fn!index(ri!listOfUser_txt, fn!wherecontains(local!splitCells[2], ri!listOfUuid_text))
    \ taction_txt: local!splitCells[3]

    1. You can format the data.(Obviously no one wants to see uuid of a user and in fact it isn't recognisable by designer as well)
    2. As you are assigning the data to the fields in CDT, sorting is possible.
    1. You need to write your own code as mentioned above.

    Approach - 2:

    Have a look at rule!LR_displayCsv() and create a new version of it by removing the unwanted elements (such as filters, details etc).

    1. You may have most of the code in hand and you don't need to invest much time if you just want to replicate the grid.
    1. Sorting isn't possible.
    2. Formatting is possible if and only if you customise the grid in rule!LR_displayCsv() and in this case, it's more or less equal to Approach - 1 excluding few steps.
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