Names with accents

Hello, we have a update process that fails if the users name includes accents. Has anyone experienced issues with names having accents and if so, how did you resolve it? We are on version 7.8 and plan to move into v16.2 in the next few months.


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  • this is referring to a user update process and it seems to fail when retrieving the users name. The only language we have configured is US English.
  • @mariod, My guess is that UTF-8 is not enabled for your DB schema.
    accents are just Unicode characters.
    Please check if you have enabled utf-8 set on your tables and DB schemas.
    Appian supports Unicode characters. But, the DB schema should support it. You need to enable it while creating the DB schema. An example:
    DEFAULT COLLATE utf8_general_ci;

    To check if your DB Table is using utf-8, use this command: SELECT default_character_set_name FROM information_schema.SCHEMATA
    WHERE schema_name = "schemaname"; where schemaname is the name of the schema.
    If it is not utf-8, you need to set it.
  • thanks for the reply.
    My primary data source is setup on MS SQL 2008 and the character set is iso_1. If I'm not mistaken, a column would have to be NVARCHAR to support unicode. are you saying the primary data source is causing the issue?