Checkbox Field in Editable Grid Flashes When Interacted WIth

Certified Lead Developer
I have an interface which populates and editable grid with a text field and checkbox field using apply components. I am seeing behavior where the checkbox fields flash every time I interact with one. I am populating the field using apply components within a load and am not using with() anywhere in the code.
-If I change the field to dropdown the flash only occurs on the first interaction but not on others (see attached video)
-If I change the field to text I dont see any flashing

Has anyone else observed this behavior before?



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  • Colleague of Forrest here. Martin, we are testing this in Tempo and not Interface Designer. It is a SAIL form called in process. This is a normal editable grid, nothing fancy. The only difference is that we have an applycomponents() wrapped around the top level grid rule, so multiple can be generated. We have tried swapping that out with just one editable grid, but still get the same result. This seems to be happening only after we added the checkBox, as Forrest stated. Our textFields work just fine
  • Colleague of Forrest here. Martin, we are testing this in Tempo and not Interface Designer. It is a SAIL form called in process. This is a normal editable grid, nothing fancy. The only difference is that we have an applycomponents() wrapped around the top level grid rule, so multiple can be generated. We have tried swapping that out with just one editable grid, but still get the same result. This seems to be happening only after we added the checkBox, as Forrest stated. Our textFields work just fine
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