Data From Editable Grid to be stored back in the database

I have created an editable grid with some values. The values are being fetched from the Database via data store. now i would like to update the changes(Addition, Deletion and updation) made in the grid to the Dashboard. Could you please guide me on how to proceed.

i have followed the steps present in the link

Request your assistance.


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  • Hi @Sudheerp, I'll tell you what I did. Once you submit the form containing the editable grid, there must be a list_type_variable which stores the data you added/edited. Now, case 1: If you have deleted some/all data then, you have to check with existing records for which one were deleted so that the deletion reflects in db. case 2: for addition/addition & updation, I don't think you have to do something uniquely except using the write to data store entity smart service. Use the smart service smartly and you're good to go.
  • Hi @Sudheerp, I'll tell you what I did. Once you submit the form containing the editable grid, there must be a list_type_variable which stores the data you added/edited. Now, case 1: If you have deleted some/all data then, you have to check with existing records for which one were deleted so that the deletion reflects in db. case 2: for addition/addition & updation, I don't think you have to do something uniquely except using the write to data store entity smart service. Use the smart service smartly and you're good to go.
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