Process Variables in SAIL form

I saw some existing application with existing forms having process variables mentioned as in "pv!some_variable". But, while executing the process which includes the form, there is no exception/error/warning. Shouldn't it be a problem, or did I miss something to check? Any clarification will be a great help.

Thanks in advance


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  • Agreed with everyone that this is not best practice. It requires more maintenance in the future for the cases when issues occur with in-flight processes as well as becomes difficult to debug and re-factor. It would be much simpler to update a rule instead of a process in the future.

    There are tricky things that can happen when you call a rule inside another rule and use a variable initialized in the parent as well. As long as a variable is in scope, like it is for a pv! and the interface described in this issue, it can be used. However, just because something is in scope it is not recommended due to issues discussed in this thread.
  • Agreed with everyone that this is not best practice. It requires more maintenance in the future for the cases when issues occur with in-flight processes as well as becomes difficult to debug and re-factor. It would be much simpler to update a rule instead of a process in the future.

    There are tricky things that can happen when you call a rule inside another rule and use a variable initialized in the parent as well. As long as a variable is in scope, like it is for a pv! and the interface described in this issue, it can be used. However, just because something is in scope it is not recommended due to issues discussed in this thread.
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