previous version of a Document in SAIL

hi all,
do you know how in SAIL can I show, for a given DocumentID, all its previous versions?
many thanks


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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    Hi Francesco,

    The work around for your approach is that first you need to save each document individualy i mean don't let appian to create document versions.
    Save all the related document ids in database and keep a reference column so that you can pull all the related document ids
    Then you need to construct a URL to download the document with obtained doc id's. The URL for downloading documents can be seen below

    You can get "" using rule!APN_getSiteUrl() or you can keep it in a constant and this should be changed from environment to environment witn new URL

    And keep the "doc/"" in a appian constant

    Now construct the URL in a expression rule say getDocumentVersions() which takes document id as input. Code for the rule will be in below format
    rule!APN_getSiteUrl() & doc/ & documentId

    Now you can use apply() to iterate newly created getDocumentVersions() rule for document ids obtained from DB

    Hope this will help you.
  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    Adding to the above, since you have doc id's you can use below code in an expression and iterate it.
    label: "",
    links: a!documentDownloadLink(
    This will be the better approach for creating document download link
  • hi @akkramanir,
    thanks for suggestion, but that's exactly what I was trying to avoid with my question :)
    in my use case I already have a relationship between different documents, so I don't want to add different rows in the DB just for the version change.
    what I need is to use the Appian versioning, and when a user select a document from a grid in SAIL, to show somewhere else (in another grid maybe) the list of previous version for that document.. but without having different documents as version
  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    Hi Francesco,

    There is a plugin in shared components which gives metadata of a document please refer the below link.

    The only problem is that you cannot download the earlier versions of the documents since the old versions returned by the plugin have the same doc id.

    I had the same scenario in my project and we opted for database to manage document versions. Lets see what other practitioners say.
  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to francescop389

    what approach have you taken to solve this. I have same requirement

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to yashig2399

    This post is from over 7 years ago.  Many things about this topic have changed in the meantime (for instance, i believe there are some functions to allow looking up of specific document version IDs, though I don't remember very well off the top of my head).  I'd advise you to either search out more recent posts on the issue, or start your own new post to ask.