Extending Appian

How do You Create a Connected System with Integration Objects?

How do you call an integration in Appian? In this video, learn how you should use outbound integrations and inbound web APIs to connect Appian with external systems.

Video highlights

  • Integrations are used for connecting and transfering data between Appian and an external system.
  • Outbound integrations are for when Appian initiates the call to an external system, and are build by creating a connected system object and an integration object.
  • Inbound Web APIs are for when an external system needs to call Appian, and are built by creating a Web API object.

How to Create a GET Web API

Learn how to create a GET web API for an Appian application using the hello, world template.

Video highlights

  • GET Web APIs can be created from a template or from scratch.
  • When using a template, the http method will already be set and the a!httpResponse function, which is used to determine what happens when the API is called, will already be pre-populated.
  • Passing values into the Web API is done through query parameters, headers, in the body of the request, or a combination of these.
  • Web APIs work when an external system sends a request to the endpoint we created in the Web API object.

How to Create a POST Web API

Learn how to create a POST web API for an Appian application. This POST web API uses a write to datastore entity smart service that allows external systems to write new customer data.

Video highlights

  • POST Web APIs allow external systems to create new data in Appian.
  • The Write to Data Store template will convert the data in the body of the request to an Appian value, and then utilize the a!writeToDataStoreEntity smart service to write to a table within Appian.
  • The template also provides functionality for on success and on error.
  • To add test data, create a json blob inside the body with both the field name and the value inside of quotation marks.

How to Authenticate Web API

Learn how to authenticate a Web API in Appian. Here are three ways that Appian web APIs can authenticate external systems: basic authentication, API key authentication, and OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials Grants.

Video highlights

  • Appian APIs can only be called by an external system that has been authenticated, either through an authenticated Appian user or a service account.
  • For basic authentication, a user name that has permission to call the Web API and a password must be provided in the request.
  • API Keys provide a more secure, performant, and long-lasting way to authenticate, using service accounts that have access to the Web API.
  • Oauth 2.0 Client Credentials Grant is an industry standard protocol for authentication, which also uses service accounts to gain access.