Errors such as the following occur while running the Appian installer on Linux:
./setupLinux64_appian-18.x.x.x.bin couldn't load file "/tmp/tclhZusdx": /tmp/tclhZusdx: failed to map segment from shared object: Operation not permitted while executing "load /installkitvfs/lib/itcl/ Itcl" ("package ifneeded" script) invoked from within "package require Itcl" (in namespace eval "::" script line 3963) invoked from within "namespace eval $namespace $::InstallJammer::files($file)" (procedure "::InstallJammer::SourceCachedFile" line 3) invoked from within "::InstallJammer::SourceCachedFile common.tcl" (file "/installkitvfs/main.tcl" line 23011)
Error in action ExecuteAction Error in action UnzipFilebad end of central directory record while executing"zvfs::mount $zip $mnt" (procedure "::InstallJammer::actions::UnzipFile" line 12) invoked from within"::InstallJammer::actions::$component $this" while executing"$obj execute" (procedure "::InstallJammer::ExecuteActions" line 62) invoked from within"::InstallJammer::ExecuteActions $action -parent $id -conditions $eval" (procedure "::InstallJammer::actions::ExecuteAction" line 35) invoked from within"::InstallJammer::actions::$component $this" while executing"$obj execute" (procedure "::InstallJammer::ExecuteActions" line 62) invoked from within"::InstallJammer::ExecuteActions Console" (procedure "::InstallJammer::InstallMain" line 11) invoked from within"::InstallJammer::InstallMain" (procedure "ThemeMain" line 2) invoked from within"ThemeMain " invoked from within"if {![info exists ::InstallJammer]} { ThemeMain }" (file "/installkitvfs/main.tcl" line 24229)Leave executeSetup. Finished with error.Leave executeUpgradeInstallation. Finished with error
Error in action ExecuteActionError in action InstallSelectedFilescouldn't execute "/usr/tmp/ijtmp_XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXXX/installkit": permission denied while executing
The installer tool extracts some required files into the system temporary directory (which by default is set to /tmp on a Linux machine). The tool attempts to execute actions in that temporary directory. If the temporary directory does not have executable rights for the user in question, or if the directory is on a volume that is mounted without an exec option, it will fail.
The operating user may not have permission to execute files in the temporary directory for one of the following reasons:
This error can also appear if there is not sufficient space in the system temporary directory partition where the files from the installer are extracted.
Work with a System Administrator to modify SELinux permissions to allow executables to be run in the temporary directory.
Temporarily remove this flag by executing the following command: mount -o remount,exec /tmp
mount -o remount,exec /tmp
Set it back by executing the following command: mount -o remount,noexec /tmp
mount -o remount,noexec /tmp
This article applies to all versions of Appian running on the Linux operating system.
Last Reviewed: November 2019