After upgrading Appian, the application server is unable to start and the following is observed in the application server log:
ERROR liquibase.changelog.ChangeSet - Change Set db-changelog-000168-api-key-table.xml::000168.1.2::appian failed. Error: REFERENCES command denied to user '<user>'@'<host>' for table '<schema>.<table>' [Failed SQL: ALTER TABLE <schema>.api_key ADD CONSTRAINT api_key_usrid_fk FOREIGN KEY (usr_id) REFERENCES <schema>.<table> (id)
The RDBMS user connecting to the primary database does not have sufficient permissions. These permissions might have changed as a result of upgrading the RDBMS.
GRANT ALL ON <schema>.* TO '<user>'@'<host>';
This article applies to all versions of Appian.
Last Reviewed: August 2019