KB-2111 "Does not exist: Process" error thrown when accessing a process instance


When accessing a process instance via the Monitoring tab, the following error is thrown:

Load Error
This process diagram could not be opened due to the following errors.
Does not exist: Process

When using the Start Process smart service, such as within a Web API, the following error is returned:

Error when parsing process details or variables

The following error is printed in the application server log in both instances above:

ERROR com.appiancorp.expr.server.reaction.smartservicebridge.SmartServiceBridgeReaction - Exception occurred during activation of ReactionFunction {key='sys.smartService.start-process-2', class='com.appiancorp.expr.server.reaction.smartservicebridge.PluginSmartServiceBridgeReaction'}
Caused by: com.appiancorp.suiteapi.process.exceptions.InvalidProcessException: Does not exist: Process


The process instance has been archived or deleted.


  • If the process has been archived and its data is needed by the parent process, follow the steps outlined in KB-1186 to unarchive the process instance.
  • Adjust archival/deletion thresholds in the Data Mangement tab to allow future process instances to be maintained for the desired amount of time after completion.

Note: Increasing the length of time process instances are maintained before archival/deletion can increase system memory and disk resource utilization of the Appian environment.

Affected Versions

This article applies to all versions of Appian.

Last Reviewed: November 2021
