KB-2176 Any link is clickable before the user accepts a task


Any link, such as an "Add Row" link in a grid, is clickable before the user accepts a task.


This is currently expected product behavior. However, the links do not save any changes to the form until the user accepts the task. For example, the "Add Row" link will allow the user to add rows to the grid, but it won't store the added rows until the user accepts the task.

A product use case to disable the links has been logged to the Appian Product Team for consideration. Kindly note it is not Appian Support’s policy to disclose how or when a product use case will be implemented. The reference number for this product use case is #2319.


There is no action or workaround currently available. If you are facing this issue, please open a support case with Appian to be added to the product use case.

Affected Versions

This article applies to all versions of Appian.

Last Reviewed: April 2021
