KB-2284 How to deploy plugins on a Kubernetes Appian instance


Plug-ins are located in the directory /usr/local/appian/ae/_admin/plugins/ of the Webapp pod volume. This article describes how to deploy a plug-in to an instance of Appian on Kubernetes.


Manually copy each plugin file into one of the webapp pods according to the documentation. Use the following template below:

kubectl cp <plugin-file.jar> :/usr/local/appian/ae/_admin/plugins -n <appian_namespace>

Example of deploying a plugin textutils-1.0.3.jar into a webapp pod named namespace

kubectl cp .\textutils-1.0.3.jar appian-webapp-0:/usr/local/appian/ae/_admin/plugins -n namespace

If the instance is HA, run the command on one webapp pod. The plugin's directory will be mounted from the webapp RWX volume.

Affected Versions

This article applies to all self-managed versions of Appian in Kubernetes.

Last Reviewed: November 2023
