Input variables to SAIL interfaces sometimes don't take the value that is assigned to them.
An example of when this would happen is shown below,
a!buttonWidgetSubmit( label: "Submit", style: "PRIMARY", value: "CLICKED", saveInto: ri!submit )
If the input variable is named the same as a keyword and the assignment is done in a SAIL component where the keyword is present, the assigned value is not stored. Instead, the value of the keyword is stored into the variable.
The value of ri!submit will become True when the submit button is clicked. This is because submit is a keyword of Boolean type for the Button component. Similar behavior will be seen if we used ri!style instead. In that case, we would see the value PRIMARY.
To resolve this issue, perform one of the following:
a!buttonWidgetSubmit( label: "Submit", style: "PRIMARY", value: "CLICKED", saveInto: a!save(ri!submit, save!value) )
A list of each of the keywords can be found in the SAIL Components page.
This article applies to all versions of Appian.
Last Reviewed: February 2017