KB-1139 "Could not serialize Process Model into DOM tree" error thrown when trying to export a process model


Exporting of a process model fails with the following error:

The data for processModel [id=someID uuid=someUUID] could not be saved to XML. Cause: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Could not serialize Process Model into DOM tree (APNX-1-4071-004)


There could be multiple causes for this, however, the most common cause is a node input pointing to an older version of a CDT. Review the application server log to see the "caused by:" clause in the exception stack. That clause usually looks like this

Caused by: com.appiancorp.type.xmlconversion.exceptions.ToXmlConversionException: Cannot convert internal value to XML (target element qname: acp). Internal value: TypedValue[it=11,v=ActivityClassParameter[name=RecordData,it=1880,v=]]

In the above example, it’s being caused by a node which has an input named RecordData.


Use the process model documentation in conjunction with the application server log to help determine which node is the problem. After determining which node is at fault (pointing to an old version of a CDT), correct that node to point to the right version of the CDT. This should allow you to export the process model successfully.

Affected Versions

This article applies to all versions of Appian.

Last Reviewed: February 2017
