KB-1157 How to reset the analytics engines for self-managed installations of Appian


This article outlines the process to reset the Analytics Engines in self-managed installations of Appian.

NOTE: These steps should only be performed when advised to do so by Appian Technical Support. They should only be performed on the process analytics engine. These steps are not supported on any other engine.

Instructions and later 

Follow the steps exactly as documented here.

17.3 -

  1. Shut down Appian completely, including application server, search server, and the engines. Refer to Starting and Stopping Appian for more information.
  2. Run the Reset Analytics Script.
  3. Start all engines except for Execution and Analytics.
  4. Run the Status Script to ensure these engines have come up.
  5. Start the Analytics engines.
  6. Run the Status Script to ensure these engines have come up.
  7. Wait for CPU usage to stabilize.
  8. Start the Execution engines.
  9. Run the Status Script again to ensure all the engines are okay.
  10. Wait for CPU usage to stabilize.
  11. Checkpoint all engines.
  12. Start the search server.
  13. Start the application server.

17.2 and earlier

  1. Shut down Appian completely, including application server, search server, and the engines. Refer to Starting and Stopping Appian for more information.
  2. Delete all files ending in .kdb in the Analytics Engine gateway directories (<APPIAN_HOME>/server/process/analytics/00XX/gw1).
    Note: If you have additional gateway directories (gwX) with engine database files (pa*.kdb) in them, you need to delete those files as well for each analytics engine.

    Example Unix commands:
    cd <APPIAN_HOME>/server/process/analytics/00**/gw* rm pa*.kdb

    Example Windows commands:
    cd <APPIAN_HOME>\server\process\analytics\00**\gw* del pa*.kdb
  3. Start all engines except for Execution and Analytics. This can be done by running the start-gw commands specific to your operating system located in <APPIAN_HOME>/server/_scripts/<ENGINE_NAME> (make sure you exclude running the scripts from the exec and analytics folders for this step).
  4. Run checkengine.(bat|sh) to ensure all the engines have a status of OKAY.
  5. Start all Analytics engines only. This can be done by running the start-gw command specific to your operating system located in <APPIAN_HOME>/server/_scripts/analytics/.
  6. Run checkengine.(bat|sh) to ensure all the engines have a status of OKAY.
  7. Start all Execution engines only. This can be done by running the start-gw command specific to your operating system located in <APPIAN_HOME>/server/_scripts/exec/.
  8. Run checkengine.(bat|sh) to ensure all the engines have a status of OKAY.
  9. Wait for CPU usage to stabilize on the machine.
  10. Checkpoint all engines using the checkpoint script, located in <APPIAN_HOME>/server/_scripts.
  11. Start the search server.
  12. Start the application server.

Affected Versions

This article applies to all versions of self-managed installations of Appian.

Last Reviewed: October 2019
