KB-1169 "TNS:listener does not currently know of SID given in connect descriptor" error thrown in application server log


The following error message is seen in the application server log:

ORA-12505, TNS:listener does not currently know of SID given in connect descriptor .


This issue is typically caused by a discrepancy with the TNS listener service.


  1. Confirm that the TNS listener service is running. If it is not running, perform the following steps:
    1. Stop the Oracle service(s) for your database(s). For example, OracleServiceAPPIANDS.
    2. Start the Oracle TNS service. For example, OracleOraDB12Home1TNSListener.
    3. Start the Oracle service(s) for your databases.
    4. Confirm that the database service is known by the listener by running the following command from a command prompt:
      lsnrctl STATUS [listener_name]

      You can also use the command to make sure the services are running:
      lsnrctl SERVICES
  2. If the TNS listener service is running, it is possible that it was started after the database service, which can also cause this issue. If the TNS listener service is running, stop the service, and then perform the steps listed above.

Affected Versions

This article applies to all versions of Appian.

Last Reviewed: March 2017
