KB-1290 "Save" button is no longer present in SAIL tasks after upgrade to the latest hotfix on Appian 16.3 or later


Users may notice after upgrading to 16.3 with latest hotfix that some tasks no longer display the Save button at the top of the task window:


This was an intentional change that links the Hide task toolbar checkbox in the Forms tab of a user input task node to the Save button in a task:


Perform the following to show the Save button in existing processes:

  1. In each user input task with the issue, clear that checkbox.
  2. Save and publish the process model.
  3. To propagate this change to existing processes, perform the following:
    1. Deploy the latest version of the Process Management Services shared component.
    2. Create a new process model using the Upgrade Process node.
    3. In the Data tab, pass in the affected process model UUID and process IDs into the input parameters. Repeat this for each process model UUID and associated process IDs.

Affected Versions

This article applies to Appian 16.3 and later.

Last Reviewed: December 2016
