Within a process model, if there is activity chaining into a Terminate End Event, associated sub-processes will not get cancelled when the parent process reaches the Terminate End Event. This is true for both asynchronous and synchronous processes.
When a Terminate Event is reached and there is no activity-chaining from the last attended node to the Terminate End Event, the process successfully cancels any remaining active nodes and sub-processes.
However, when a Terminate Event is reached and there is activity-chaining from the last attended node to the Terminate End Event, the process will try to cancel any remaining active nodes and sub-processes using the privileges of the user who completed the process - most of the times a basic user. Since basic users do not have the appropriate privileges to cancel a process unless they are process administrators, this results in sub-processes remaining active despite the node being cancelled.
This has been logged to the Appian Product Team to change the behavior in a more desirable fashion. The reference number for this issue is AN-39422.
There are also several workarounds that fix the behavior:
This article applies to all versions of Appian.
Last Reviewed: March 2017