Characters in Arabic words are rearranged when rendered in a chart with decimals.
For example, the following SAIL code:
=a!dashboardLayout( firstColumnContents: { a!pieChartField( label: "شعار", labelPosition: "ABOVE", series: { a!chartSeries(label: "سلسلة 1 ", data: 5.78), a!chartSeries(label: "سلسلة 2 ", data: 2), a!chartSeries(label: "سلسلة 3.5", data: 3) }, showDataLabels: true ), a!barChartField( label: "شعار", labelPosition: "ABOVE", categories: {"فئة 1 ", "فئة 2 ", "فئة 3.5"}, series: { a!chartSeries(label: "سلسلة 1 ", data: {1, 2, 3}) }, stacking: "NONE", showLegend: true, showTooltips: true ) }, secondColumnContents: { /* إضافة مكونات هنا للحصول على لوحة أجهزة القياس عمودين */ a!columnChartField( label: "شعار", labelPosition: "ABOVE", categories: {"فئة 1 ", "فئة 2 ", "فئة 3.5"}, series: { a!chartSeries(label: "سلسلة 1 " , data: {1.0, 2.0, 3}) }, stacking: "NONE", showLegend: true, showTooltips: true, showdatalabels: true ) } )
Would render as:
This issue has been resolved via AN-84113 in Appian 17.1 Hotfix Package D and Appian 17.2.
Apply the latest hotfix to your Appian installation or upgrade to the latest version of Appian.
This article applies to Appian 17.1.
Last Reviewed: May 2017