In an environment with Apache Web Server 2.4 configured with JBoss, JBoss starts up with no errors, however a HTTP 403 error is seen when trying to access Appian within a browser.
Directory permission configurations for Apache Web Server 2.4 vary from the documented configurations for Apache Web Server 2.2.
Make the following adjustments to the Apache httpd.conf file.
Locate the following lines:
JkStripSession On<Directory "/usr/local/appian/httpd/www/suite">AllowOverride FileInfoOrder allow,denyAllow from all</Directory>
Replace them with the following lines:
JkStripSession On<Directory "/usr/local/appian/httpd/www/suite">AllowOverride FileInfoRequire all granted</Directory>
Once the changes have been made, restart Apache and try to access Appian again.
This article applies to all versions of Appian.
Last Reviewed: June 2017