Automated Import Manager (AIM) Client


This utility automates the process of inspecting the application, executing DDL scripts, updating CDTs, republishing the appropriate datastores, and importing the application.

With the Automated Import Manager Client, users can automatically deploy applications and package contents (either applications from Appian OR packages generated from the Automated Versioning Manager) to any environment. This utility provides the scripts that support triggering deployments from an external CI tool or deploy from the command line.

Key Features & Functionality

Automated Import Manager:

  • Inspect Application: This tool will automatically mimic the "Inspect" functionality that exists within Appian
  • Validating Application Content: In addition to inspecting the application, the tool will ensure all CDT dependents are included to avoid objects pointing to older versions. (This feature is only available on Appian 7.9 and above)
  • Execute DDL Scripts: DDL scripts can be uploaded and automatically executed. NOTE: For Microsoft SQL Server, only Transact-SQL statements are valid.
  • Execute Migrations with Flyway: Flyway is a tool used for managing database migrations. It makes it easier to track SQL script versions and not re-execute SQL scripts that have already been run. If a Flyway directory is provided, the Automated Import Manager will automatically execute migrations against the corresponding datasource. Learn more about Flyway here.
  • Update CDTs: Users are no longer required to delete CDTs before updating them, this tool will perform this step automatically
  • Import Application and admin console configuration: Automatically import an application with an optional customization file
  • Republish Datastores: After application import, datastores will be automatically published or republished
  • Add Patches: Automatically add patch contents to a specified existing application

For more information, please see visit:

Note: This utility does not support Java version 9.0. 

  • It's encrypted as per TLS when communicating with the environment, but I don't think it's encrypted in-place.

  • Is there a way to encrypt the password stored in the This violates are security compliance.

  • Couple of critical enhancements which are needed on these tools . If any one has any work around for the below, please feel free to share.

    1. Token based authentication. Storing password and user ID in property file is not best solution in terms of security. 

    2. Multiple parallel deployments. At a time two deployments is not possible. This will a blocker when 7-8 team as going to deploy. 

    3. Getting the detail logs at the end of import. There is a manual step to log in to tempo to get the details log. If we are doing CICD, then why again a manual step. The tool should share detailed log. 

  • Yes we were creating a new branch from the master. We had used  -branch_name.

  • Were you checking out the branch outside of the tool? It should be able to switch branches if you use the "-branch_name" option.

  • I guess we have found what was wrong.

    When a new branch is created from master the versioning configuration was getting copied which was referring to master branch. After changing the configuration in the new branch to refer the new branch, we have not seen this issue occurring. 

  • We have not tried with GitHub. It work in local machine.  If we can get some details on when and why the rename operation happens maybe we can troubleshoot. 

  • Do you know if the same thing works on a GitHub account?

  • Command line - version-application.bat -action buildAllApps -repo_url **** -vc_username **** -vc_password **** -branch_name **** -start_hash **** -end_hash **** -appian_objects_repo_path ****  -package_path *** -local_repo_path "localrepopath"

    Os - git-lfs/2.11.0 (GitHub; windows amd64; go 1.14.2; git 48b28d97)

    More details on the error

    2020-09-15 07:17:16,570 - VersionManagerProperties:
    [commitMessage:value not provided],
    [applicationPath:value not provided],
    [adminConsolePath:value not provided],
    [ddlPath:value not provided],
    [flywayPath:value not provided],
    [ddlDs:value not provided],
    [uuid:value not provided],
    [applicationName:value not provided],
    [noUpdate:value not provided],
    [enableFolderListenerCommitMessage:value not provided],
    [proxyPort:value not provided],
    [proxyUrl:value not provided],
    [proxyUsername:value not provided],
    [proxyPassword:value not provided],

    2020-09-15 07:17:16,686 - Missing git repository. Cloning automatically.
    2020-09-15 07:17:16,686 - Cloning from ###### to localrepopath
    2020-09-15 07:17:23,315 - Local repo updated successfully
    2020-09-15 07:17:23,445 - Checking out hash or tag: ######
    2020-09-15 07:17:23,942 - Checking out hash or tag: ######
    2020-09-15 07:17:25,361 - There was an error completing the selected operation. Additional details will be logged.
    2020-09-15 07:17:25,364 - Details of error:
    org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.JGitInternalException: Could not rename file localrepopath\######\application_files\META-INF\_######\._export.log######.tmp to localrepopath\######\application_files\META-INF\_######\export.log
    Caused by: Could not rename file localrepopath\######\application_files\META-INF\_######\._export.log######.tmp to localrepopath\######\application_files\META-INF\_######\export.log
    at org.eclipse.jgit.dircache.DirCacheCheckout.checkoutEntry(
    at org.eclipse.jgit.dircache.DirCacheCheckout.doCheckout(
    at org.eclipse.jgit.dircache.DirCacheCheckout.checkout(
    ... 4 more
    Caused by: Could not rename file D:\######-Runner\builds\######\0\######\######\######\localrepopath\######\application_files\META-INF\_######\._export.log2######.tmp to D:\######-Runner\builds\######\0\######\######\######\localrepopath\######\application_files\META-INF\_######\export.log
    at org.eclipse.jgit.util.FileUtils.rename(
    at org.eclipse.jgit.dircache.DirCacheCheckout.checkoutEntry(
    ... 7 more

  • Can you please provide more information? For example, which command did you run when you saw the error? Which OS?