The Groundswell Adobe Sign utility partners robust Adobe’s digital signature capabilities with Appian’s comprehensive workflow management. This utility includes several re-usable integration components to create signing agreements, display signing natively in Appian, and retrieve documents from Adobe once signed. The utility includes an Appian site integrated with a sample workflow and reporting to give Designers an example usage of all the components in a workflow.
Key Functionality & Features
This works for our sample app. I would suggest running a GET to https://api.adobesign.com/api/rest/v6/baseUris and see what apiEndPoint is returned. There may be different endpoints for different accounts or regions.
Whatever comes back could be swapped into the Connected System
We have deployed the Adobe Sign Utility in our Development environment. The Appian components/flows are working as expected. However, Adobe sign integration is breaking at the integration level.
As per the instruction the baseurl is https://api.na2.echosign.com/api/rest/v6/.
We are getting below error,
Could you please assist with the right url?
The integration components included in this package can be used to retrieve agreements or documents in different states (i.e. approved vs signed). Additionally, it can be extended to connect with any of the other capabilities available in the Adobe Sign API.
Does this allow for retrieval of documents that have already been signed outside of appian, but require only an approval, no signature?
It does not show authentication prompts, but that could be configured in Appian or the Adobe instance's management console, depending on requirements.
Did this show signing with a certificate and user authentication prompt?
This looks very promising, if any users have a case study experience with implementing this, let us know as we are looking to integrate this into a current Appian instance. Though it looks like this was just released.