Advanced Call Web Service


This plug-in provides functions and smart services for connecting to SOAP-based web services. Where possible it is recommended to utilize the out of the box functionality.

Key Features & Functionality

The Advanced Call Web Service provides support for the following:

  • Support for SOAP attachments
  • Support for Base64 attachments
  • Ability to call web services that do not explicitly declare the requirement for WS-Security UsernameToken in the WSDL policy
  • Ability to call web services that use a self-signed SSL certificate

The attachment provided with the download provides more information and examples. Where possible, use the base product Call Web Service functionality instead.

  • hello,

    is there a way to define a custom content-type for soap attachments? This plugins uses application/octet-stream by default, but I need to change it in application/pdf.
    Thanks in advance for your time and for support.

    Best regards


  • hello,

    is there a way to define a custom content-type for soap attachments? This plugins uses application/octet-stream by default, but I need to change it in application/pdf.
    Thanks in advance for your time and for support.

    Best regards


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