Advanced Document Templating


This plugins allows to generate DOCX files from a DOCX template and an XML data model from Appian. It also allows to convert a DOCX into PDF through an opensource (with limited capabilities) library.

Key Features & Functionality

  • Smart Service to Generate a DOCX from a DOCX Template and an XML data model
  • Smart Service to convert DOCX to PDF through an opensource (with limited capabilities) library
  • Has anyone come across the following error while opening a .docx file generated via ADT (DOCX Document From Template):

    Unspecified error

    Location: Part: /word/footer4.xml, line:0, column: 0

    This error is only introduced after the doc is generated using ADT. The template being used works fine when opened using word.

  • Has anyone come across the following error while opening a .docx file generated via ADT (DOCX Document From Template):

    Unspecified error

    Location: Part: /word/footer4.xml, line:0, column: 0

    This error is only introduced after the doc is generated using ADT. The template being used works fine when opened using word.

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