Advanced Document Templating


This plugins allows to generate DOCX files from a DOCX template and an XML data model from Appian. It also allows to convert a DOCX into PDF through an opensource (with limited capabilities) library.

Key Features & Functionality

  • Smart Service to Generate a DOCX from a DOCX Template and an XML data model
  • Smart Service to convert DOCX to PDF through an opensource (with limited capabilities) library
  • Hi,

    when we generate a word document with an image example:

    {logo: CONS!APP_IMAGE} works perfectly, but when I have more than one image in the template.

    For example logo2 and I call the smart service as follows {logo: CONS!APP_IMAGE, logo2: CON!APP_IMAGE2} I get the following error:

    freemarker.core.NonSequenceOrCollectionException: The value you try to list is an extended_hash+string (fr.opensagres.xdocreport.document.images.ByteArrayImageProvider wrapped into f.e.b.StringModel), thus you must specify two loop variables after the "as"; one for the key, and another for the value, like <#... as k, v>). ---- FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related): - Failed at: #list logo as logo [in template "fr.opensagres.xdocreport.document.docx.DocxReport@7f2dbfc!word/document.xml" at line 4, column 6773]

    CV list logo as logo2.docx

    ---- Plugin: Advanced Document Templating Version: 1.1.0 Smart Service: DOCX From Dynamic Template

  • Hi,

    when we generate a word document with an image example:

    {logo: CONS!APP_IMAGE} works perfectly, but when I have more than one image in the template.

    For example logo2 and I call the smart service as follows {logo: CONS!APP_IMAGE, logo2: CON!APP_IMAGE2} I get the following error:

    freemarker.core.NonSequenceOrCollectionException: The value you try to list is an extended_hash+string (fr.opensagres.xdocreport.document.images.ByteArrayImageProvider wrapped into f.e.b.StringModel), thus you must specify two loop variables after the "as"; one for the key, and another for the value, like <#... as k, v>). ---- FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related): - Failed at: #list logo as logo [in template "fr.opensagres.xdocreport.document.docx.DocxReport@7f2dbfc!word/document.xml" at line 4, column 6773]

    CV list logo as logo2.docx

    ---- Plugin: Advanced Document Templating Version: 1.1.0 Smart Service: DOCX From Dynamic Template

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