Advanced Document Templating


This plugins allows to generate DOCX files from a DOCX template and an XML data model from Appian. It also allows to convert a DOCX into PDF through an opensource (with limited capabilities) library.

Key Features & Functionality

  • Smart Service to Generate a DOCX from a DOCX Template and an XML data model
  • Smart Service to convert DOCX to PDF through an opensource (with limited capabilities) library
  • We have a problem due to the property "Title" that is kept during the generation of the DOCX from the template but is lost in the conversion from DOCX to PDF.

    Is it a bug that can be solved?

    Is there any other way to provide the "Title" to apply on the PDF to generate (maybe via "PDF Options" parameter) ?


    DOCX Generated

    PDF Generated

  • We have a problem due to the property "Title" that is kept during the generation of the DOCX from the template but is lost in the conversion from DOCX to PDF.

    Is it a bug that can be solved?

    Is there any other way to provide the "Title" to apply on the PDF to generate (maybe via "PDF Options" parameter) ?


    DOCX Generated

    PDF Generated

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