Appian Collab / Filesystem Utilities

Provides the following four Smart Services for interacting with a File System

  • Move/copy a file directly from the file system to Appian
  • Move/copy a file directly from Appian to the file system
  • Rename a file on the file system
  • Poll a directory on the file system to find new files

Note that these direct file system operations are NOT supported on Appian Cloud; use at your own discretion self-managed.

  • New plugin available for the same capability at Appian Community

  • can we have a newer version of the plugin

  • I got the root cause of rhe issue.

    Move to collab smart service is only reading files which are updated even if I have specified COPY ONLY IF UPDATED as false.

    Did anyone experienced the same issue.

  • Hi,

    Move to collab is not receiving files from the folder. Files exist in the folder and Poll File System folder smart service is able to read the list of files.

    Details below:

    1) Move to Collab


    2) Poll file system folder


    Both constants point to same folder on local server.

    Please let me know if anyone has faced this issue

  • Does Move to Collab smart service always require to be run by an adminstrator. Am getting permission error while running it for by a basic user with in a process model.


  • Hi Elizabeth, we have used this plugin in our application. In light of the recent discovery of vulnerabilities with log4j2, we would like to know if this plugin uses the affected version Log4j2, and if yes, would you release an updated version of this plugin to counter the exploit of vulnerability?

  • This is being flagged by healthcheck as referencing deprecated APIs. Are there any plans to release an update?

  • Plugin version looks to be incorrect in xml file (it has version 1.0.0 instead of 2.0.0).

  • and wo we Need to configure it in the Windows Server? We copy files from Windows to Unix (Appian)

  • We have a Problem in all the Environments using the "File System Services" plugin when we try copy a file from a Windows Server into our Appian Server.

    When we execute the node Move From Win to Unix we get the following error message:

    IOException: jcifs.smb.SmbException: Failed to connect: BLBNBGEAMAPP01/ jcifs.util.transport.TransportException Connection reset
                    at jcifs.util.transport.Transport.readn(
                    at jcifs.smb.SmbTransport.peekKey(
                    at jcifs.smb.SmbTransport.negotiate(
                    at jcifs.smb.SmbTransport.doConnect(


    The question is, do we Need to install and configure Samba in the Unix System? If so, which Version?