Manage AWS S3 data stores with Appian! Users can access their S3 objects directly from an Appian interface. Appian documents can be uploaded to a S3 bucket with Server-Side Encryption and be configured as Public or Private. The AWS S3 Connected System Plug-in uses the AWS Java SDK to connect to S3.
Key Features & Functionality
Access Key Id: the access key id for connecting to S3 can be retrieved from AWS Management Console Navigate to the Users > Summary page and click the “Security credentials” tabSecret Access Key: the secret access key can only be viewed once upon the creation of an access key, see AWS Access Keys documentation for more information: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/aws-sec-cred-types.html#access-keys-and-secret-access-keys
Users that want to upload objects as 'Public' must have the correct IAM privileges or an "Access Denied" error will return.
S3 endpoints which restrict traffic based on source will need to allow the IP and VPC endpoints outlined in KB-1582 based on site region.
Hi- I am getting Access Denied error when trying the Test connection, triaging this on AWS cloud watch, we could see that Test Connection is still using ListBucket method. from the comments below is it not supposed to ListBucket? I infact tried creating the connected service without testing, but in the integration for Download object i am again getting the same Access denied error. i have verified the IAM policy for the secretkey, they seems to be have allow access to putobject and getobject and listbucket only to the specific bucket. Can anyone suggest what should be the ideal security settings needed for this to work?
Did you find a solution for this?