CDT Visualization - using Tree View


Allows viewing the structure of a CDT in a graphical, hierarchical view based on the tree browser SAIL component.

Key Features & Functionality

Functionality provided:

  • View the structure of any CDT graphically in a tree view
  • Expand nested CDT field members and expand CDT arrays
  • Displays information about the datatype of each field, including whether it is an array or not

This app includes both the required Plug-in which contains Functions used by the app and an Appian application that provides a site to view the CDT structure.

Functions included in the Plug-in:

  1. cv_gettypenumberofcontainedtypeforlisttype() - This function will return the datatype number of the contained datatype in a list datatype
  2. cv_gettypeinformationfordatattype() - This function will return the type information for the given datatype.  It will include information on whether the given datatype is a list and a CDT.
  3. cv_getfieldsofcdt() - This function will return the current top level fields of the CDT. Nested CDT elements will not be returned by this function.
  4. cv_getmetadataforallcdts() - This function will return all the CDTs in the system whose name starts with the given partial name input.