ContraX - Contract Management System


One common business problem that contract management systems can address is inefficient contract management processes. Many organizations still rely on manual or paper-based methods for managing their contracts, which can result in errors, delays, and loss of key opportunities. For example, contract approvals may take a long time to process, leading to missed deadlines or lost revenue. Contract terms and obligations may be difficult to track, increasing the risk of non-compliance or missed opportunities for renewal or renegotiation, and without a centralized system for storing and accessing contract documents, stakeholders may struggle to find the information they need.

A contract management system can help address these challenges by streamlining the contract lifecycle, handling key processes, and providing a centralized repository for contract data.
With a contract management system in place, organizations can more efficiently create, negotiate, approve, and manage contracts, while minimizing risk and maximizing value.

Key Features & Functionality

  • A Centralized and logically Organized Contract Repository
    • Having all your contracts stored in a central database is essential to any good Contract system. Users need quick and easy access to contracts, in addition, a cloud-based and centralized contract repository ensures access all your contracts and related documents from anywhere on any device which is increasingly critical in today’s world.
  • User friendly workflow
    • Account and Contract follows the standard approval process which involves Submission, Rejection and Approval thorough To Do Task and Completed Task Screen. These makes User Groups alert and aware about task on hand. Mail triggering also can be customized as per the Requirement.
  • Reporting and Dashboards
    • A contract repository contains a wealth of information, but in order to profit from that data and gain and visualize actionable insights into your contract processes, we have reports and dashboards. reports could be generated to view it offline. and Dashboard will provide current status of your Accounts and Contract.
  • Role-based Security
    • Providing the ability to define your own custom security roles. A truly flexible system will enable you to configure access and permissions in a variety of ways. Scadea CMS Provided Creator, Approver and Admin Role.
  • Dedicated Functions for Managing Common Contracting Tasks
    • Contract has an Amendment option (for when some of the original terms, rates, or dates need to be modified) which automatically creates a new copy of the contract and saves the previous version/amendment for reference. Users can access any version of the contract from the contract list. It’s an excellent way to ensure keep track of contract changes and can be used to maintain an audit trail.
  • Flexibility in Handling different Contract Types
    • As of now CMS is built to handle WOs, but additional template could be added to handle the Bullpen, MSA, NDA or any other type of Contracts.

Benefits & Business Impact

  • End to end platform that can manage the Contract management without the need to procure other technology solutions.
  • Creates process efficiencies and productivity within any part of Contract and Account Process.
  • Solution can be utilized as a standalone application.
  • Ease of creation of Contract from Account underline Client Selection and access due to the user-friendly interfaces and ability to access the system from any device, from anywhere.
  • Contract management System makes creating and managing contract easy and automated using its simple and premium workflow.
  • Contract management System makes contract review and approval centralized and completely auditable.
  • Contract management System connects contract data to the systems and processes they touch (for example CRM, HRMS, RMS).
  • Contract management System makes contract data easily accessible and actionable via dashboards or any Report Generation tool.
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