Contracts and Task Order Management System


Numerous organizations have a paper-based or semi-automated process for managing contracts and task orders. Scope IT's Contracts and Task Order management System is a "Digital Transformation In A Box" that automates all of the workflows related to managing contracts and awarding task orders. The solution also includes an advanced task order revisions module that allows organizations to change their task orders after award in order to change position work details, change period of performance etc.

Key Features & Functionality

  • Solution includes the following modules: Task Orders, Task Order Revisions, Funding Requests, Travel Requests, Contractor Feedback
  • System can integrate with Employee Directory using SAML SSO Multi-factor authentication
  • Main Dashboard accessed by Designees, Federal Task Leaders, Office of Acquisitions staff to create position requirements, fund and approve task orders
  • Vendor Portal that can be accessed by vendors to submit proposals and view reports
  • Travel Portal for contractors to submit travel request and review responses
  • Admin Portal to monitor and control the overall task order management process
  • The system includes numerous summary, detailed, and exception reports accessed by staff and vendors alike

Benefits & Business Impact

Scope IT's Contracts and Task Order Management System is an award-winning solution that received the “2021 NIMH Director’s Award” for the successful development, testing, and launching of the NIH-wide automation system. Reduces time to create position descriptions, and award contracts. "Clone Position" feature allows user to create position descriptions in 2 minutes by making a clone from an existing task order. Travel request costs can be estimated before travel and actual costs can be captured after travel.
