Convert DocX to PDF (Aspose)


This plugin contains a smart service to convert .docx documents to PDF using Aspose Libraries with support for custom fonts and optionally encrypt the final PDF document. It will also maintain the PDF structure for 508 compliance as well as compress the file to maintain a low file size. An Aspose JAVA Words license is required and must be provided to the smart service in order for it to work accordingly. 

Key Features & Functionality

  • Convert DocX to PDF (Aspose)
  • Hi, We are using Convert DocX to PDF (Aspose) smart service to convert Word documents to PDF and it was working fine in Production but recently while generating the PDF, the ASPOSE plugin smart service is timing out or taking more than 10 minutes to convert into PDF for the same dataset from the Docx template which it used to generate without any issues before. 

    Appian has provided the below logs from the server when the Aspose smart service is not responding. Please assist on this issue. Thanks

    [Thread-28] WARN  com.appiancorp.process.workpoller.WorkPollerIntervalLogger - Work Item 123 has been executing for 45 minutes and 54 seconds. Process Id: 155670011. Process Model Id: 2198. Thread: Appian Work Item - 4569693 - WorkID 123 - execution05 - process 155670011 - model 2198 : UnattendedJavaActivityRequest. Stack trace:
            com.aspose.words.FontSettings.zzVL(Unknown Source)
            com.aspose.words.zzYun.zzYUi(Unknown Source)
            com.aspose.words.zzYun.zzYjW(Unknown Source)
            com.aspose.words.zzXD2.zzWGk(Unknown Source)
            com.aspose.words.zzZi5$zzVSm.zzYjW(Unknown Source)
            com.aspose.words.internal.zzVVk.moveNext(Unknown Source)
            com.aspose.words.zzZi5.zz4V(Unknown Source)
            com.aspose.words.zzZi5.zzVSm(Unknown Source)

  • Hi Groundswell,

    We are using the Convert DocX to PDF (Aspose) smart service to convert Word documents to PDF. After conversion, we are encountering issues with Chinese characters, where the font style of some characters changes. We have highlighted these characters in the screenshot. Please suggest a solution to resolve this issue. Below are the relevant details:

    • Appian Version: 24.2
    • Convert DocX to PDF (Aspose) Version: 2.0.10

    Word Document:

    Generated PDF:

  • Hello,

    you only need to populate the FontIds parameter. Pass in the uploaded font documents as constants of type document. Wrap the constants with a tointeger(). Constants may be arrays since each font type has more than 1 file.

  • Hi Groundswell,

    How to give font ID's as number integer,

    I want open Sans as default font 


  • Hello team,

    Can you please confirm that this plugin work for 23.3+ version ?

  • v2.0.12 Release Notes
    • Updated plugin to use Aspose's latest Library version

  • v2.0.11 Release Notes
    • Updated plugin to uses Appian's latest functions

  • HI Groundswell, 
    Is anyone facing activity chaining issue in latest version? Acitivity chaining keeps breaking irrespective of time to process or size of the file 

  • Hi Groundswell,

    Its not working if that document already was pdf. This smartservice crashed the old pdf and converts as not openable pdf. Please check and fix all the edge cases.


    if pdf was crashed then it will be <1KB

    Orginal document was 199.24KB


    Let me know for any conerns