Cryptographic Hash Functions


This plug-in contains functions that can perform the following:

  • Create hex encoded hashes for md5, sha1, sha256, and sha512 algorithms
  • Generate hashes with secret key for HMAC
  • Generate hashes of documents
  • Generate a signature key

Key Features & Functionality

This listing currently represents version 2.3.0 of the plug-in.  The functions included are as follows:

  1. md5hash(Text)
  2. md5hashdocument(Document)
  3. sha1hash(Text)
  4. sha1hashdocument(Document)
  5. sha224Hash
  6. sha256hash(Text)
  7. sha256hashdocument(Document)
  8. sha512hash(Text)
  9. sha512hashdocument(Document)
  10. hmacmd5hash(Key, Text)
  11. hmacmd5hashdocument(Key, Document)
  12. hmacsha1hash(Key, Text
  13. hmacsha1hashdocument(Key, Document)
  14. hmacsha256hash(Key, Text)
  15. hmacsha256hashdocument(Key, Document)
  16. hmacsha512hash(Key, Text)
  17. hmacsha512hashdocument(Key, Document)
  18. getSignatureKey(key, dateStamp, regionName, serviceName)  
    • Added in version 2.0.0 to assist with AWS integrations
    • Added support for secure credentials store in version 2.1.0
  19. hmacsha256bytehash
  20. getAwsV4Signature
  21. hmacSHA256HexKeyBase64(Key, Text)

Example Use:

  • Rule Definition: md5Hash(ri!string)
  • Rule Output: 63b03e21a6f184cfd36247b5dc0e86cf
  • I am having some issue using the sha1hashdocument function.  I can get a value with sha1hash(todocument(43763)) but is not the correct hash value.

    What am I missing?

    usage (where 43763 is the appian document id): 


    getting the following error:

    Expression evaluation error at function 'sha1hashdocument': The passed parameter(s) are of the wrong type. Received the type com.appiancorp.common.xml.JaxbConversionException: JAXB was not able to produce a value for typed value TypedValue[it=13,v=43763] as java class java.lang.Long.

  • I am having some issue using the sha1hashdocument function.  I can get a value with sha1hash(todocument(43763)) but is not the correct hash value.

    What am I missing?

    usage (where 43763 is the appian document id): 


    getting the following error:

    Expression evaluation error at function 'sha1hashdocument': The passed parameter(s) are of the wrong type. Received the type com.appiancorp.common.xml.JaxbConversionException: JAXB was not able to produce a value for typed value TypedValue[it=13,v=43763] as java class java.lang.Long.
