Document Zipper


Create a zip file of complete folders, including multiple documents and subfolder.

Key Features & Functionality

This smart service plug-in is useful when you want to package up complete folders. It retrieves the whole tree of content and keeps the path for each document. So if document was in /rootFolder/myFolder/myDocument.txt the path will be preserved. Uses only Java and Appian public APIs.


  • Hi Austin,

    We are using Appian 20.4, is this plugin supports Appian latest version (Since it shows Compatible Version(s): 7.11+, 18.1). If it is not supported can we expect an updated version of this plugin to support on Latest Version of Appian.


  • Hi Austin,

    We are using Appian 20.4, is this plugin supports Appian latest version (Since it shows Compatible Version(s): 7.11+, 18.1). If it is not supported can we expect an updated version of this plugin to support on Latest Version of Appian.


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