Dynamic Document Generator


This version is for Appian 23.2 and above. Cloud customers on a lower version of Appian that want to install this plugin should open a support case. Self-managed customers can find the latest jar for Appian 23.1 and lower version in the folder pre-23.2

Convert, merge and generate DOCX, PDF and XML files automatically in an Appian process

Key Features & Functionality

  • PDF from single DOCX with Fonts
    • Convert multiple DOCX files into a single PDF. Please note that the translation from DOCX to PDF is not always 1:1. The template may need to be tweaked or simplified to achieve the desired results.
  • PDF from DOCX without Fonts
    • Convert multiple DOCX files into a single PDF. Please note that the translation from DOCX to PDF is not always 1:1. The template may need to be tweaked or simplified to achieve the desired results. This will not support fonts.
  • PDF from XSL-FO Transformation
    • Uses XSLT to convert an XML to XSL-FO which is then converted to PDF
  • PDF from HTML
    • Converts an HTML document into a single page PDF.
  • PDF from HTML Transformation
    • Uses XSLT to convert an XML to HTML which is then converted to PDF
  • Text Doc from XSLT
    • Uses XSLT to convert an XML to a plain text document (such as HTML, another XML doc, etc).
  • DOCX from XHTML With Styling
    • Converts a valid XHTML file into a DOCX, allowing you to provide your own template file for style reference. Useful for creating dynamic documents that are editable
  • DOCX Merge
    • Merges one or more DOCX files together. If a header or footer exists in any document, they will be removed during the merge process.
    • A configurable separator can be specified: none, line break or page break

Function: xsltransform - Transform source XML using XSL Transform

  • Hi Team,

    We are facing the below vulnerability issues while scanning the plugin. Kindly help to look into it.

    Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) vulnerability in Batik of Apache XML Graphics allows an attacker to load a url thru the jar protocol. This issue affects Apache XML Graphics Batik 1.14.

    Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) vulnerability in Batik of Apache XML Graphics allows an attacker to fetch external resources. This issue affects Apache XML Graphics Batik 1.14.

    Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) vulnerability in Batik of Apache XML Graphics allows an attacker to access files using a Jar url. This issue affects Apache XML Graphics Batik 1.14.

    A vulnerability in Batik of Apache XML Graphics allows an attacker to run untrusted Java code from an SVG. This issue affects Apache XML Graphics prior to 1.16. It is recommended to update to version 1.16.

    A vulnerability in Batik of Apache XML Graphics allows an attacker to run Java code from untrusted SVG via JavaScript. This issue affects Apache XML Graphics prior to 1.16. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 1.16.


  • Document which I shared in the earlier post itself erroring, but few sample documents are getting passed. I  am guessing it is because bugs in the docx4j library.

    Thanks for your support.

  • Are you able to share any of the docs? Most issues are likely going to be due to bugs in the underlying docx4j library.

  • Hi Michael,

    we are also facing issues with PDF from Multiple DOCX(without fonts), while passing few documents it's throwing "error exporting package". It will be great if you can help in this.

    Thanks in advance

  • The plugin's use of the docx4j doesn't fully support a 1:1 conversion so you will see some elements not transfer over such as the graphs, word art, and formula in your example.

    The bullet points, however, should be supported as long as your are using the docx to pdf (with fonts) and include the symbol font used by your bullet points, which I believe in your case is Wingdings.

  • HI Team
    We are using the "PDF from Docx" smart service for Docx to PDF conversion, in that the converted files are missing certain formats like,  special character(formulas), bulleting and graphs which present in the Docx document.

    Please find the sample input and output document. Assistance with this issue will be great.

    Thanks in advance.


    Sample doc used in Demo.docx


  • Hi Michael, sorry I missed this message.  I tested the version 1.7.5 in our Test environment which is 22.4 and I am not having the issue.  I will upgrade to version 2.0.2 and test against 22.4.

  • v2.0.2 Release Notes
    • Upgraded to docx4j:8.3.4
    • Updated all smart services to always use newest version of input files
    • Security updates
  • This error seems to be related to the link on the signature drawing. Are you able to remove that link in the file before converting to pdf?