Dynamic Document Generator


This version is for Appian 23.2 and above. Cloud customers on a lower version of Appian that want to install this plugin should open a support case. Self-managed customers can find the latest jar for Appian 23.1 and lower version in the folder pre-23.2

Convert, merge and generate DOCX, PDF and XML files automatically in an Appian process

Key Features & Functionality

  • PDF from single DOCX with Fonts
    • Convert multiple DOCX files into a single PDF. Please note that the translation from DOCX to PDF is not always 1:1. The template may need to be tweaked or simplified to achieve the desired results.
  • PDF from DOCX without Fonts
    • Convert multiple DOCX files into a single PDF. Please note that the translation from DOCX to PDF is not always 1:1. The template may need to be tweaked or simplified to achieve the desired results. This will not support fonts.
  • PDF from XSL-FO Transformation
    • Uses XSLT to convert an XML to XSL-FO which is then converted to PDF
  • PDF from HTML
    • Converts an HTML document into a single page PDF.
  • PDF from HTML Transformation
    • Uses XSLT to convert an XML to HTML which is then converted to PDF
  • Text Doc from XSLT
    • Uses XSLT to convert an XML to a plain text document (such as HTML, another XML doc, etc).
  • DOCX from XHTML With Styling
    • Converts a valid XHTML file into a DOCX, allowing you to provide your own template file for style reference. Useful for creating dynamic documents that are editable
  • DOCX Merge
    • Merges one or more DOCX files together. If a header or footer exists in any document, they will be removed during the merge process.
    • A configurable separator can be specified: none, line break or page break

Function: xsltransform - Transform source XML using XSL Transform

  • I had the same issue when I used the PDF from single DOCX with Fonts smart service where Japanese and Chinese characters would return hashtags. I ended up getting the characters to show by using the Microsoft Yahwei font in my docX template and including the MS Yahwei font file in the Fonts parameter. I don't have experience with the HTML to PDF smart service but you could consider switching to the PDF from single DOCX with Fonts smart service or there might be a way to configure fonts with the HTML to PDF within your html template

  • We have an issue converting Japanese characters using the module that converts HTML to PDF. All of the Japanese characters are converted to "####################################". I see that the same issue was reported by another user 2 months ago for the conversion from DOCX.

  • HI,

    We are using this plugin to generate word documents. there is no issue with generating the document, after generating the document we are getting popup message every time so business users reporting this issue. could you please help us to get rid of this issue. please find below screenshot for your reference.

  • Hi, have you tried passing a font document that supports both English and Japanese with pdf from docx from single docx with fonts? Something like simsun or ms ya hei?

  • We are having a weird issue where we are using this plugin to convert docx to PDF. The plugin is working fine in lower environments but making the text bold in the converted PDF in the production environment. We tried deleting and reinstalling the plugin but nothing seems to work. Anyone has any idea how to fix it?

  • Am currently using the PDF from Single DOCX (with Fonts) smart service of Dynamic Document Generator 1.8.5 versions on cloud Appian version 24.2, We have a requirement to increase indent (white space) before starting of the sentence. But this is not working during the conversion because the spaces are trimmed. Below is the image of word document and the converted PDF document for reference.


    Can you please guide me if am missing something to achieve the result?

    Thank you!

  • We have a requirement to convert a DOCX with Japanese characters. When we use the PDF from DOCX / PDF from single DOCX (with fonts) / PDF from multiple DOCX smart services, either other that english characters are skipped or # is used in place. We have updated both Advanced Document Templating and Dynamic Document Generator to the latest version.

    Please can you help with how to get PDF from DOCX that has multiple languages. 

    Thank you!

  • v2.2.2 Release Notes
    • Fixed issue with PDF From HTML smart service. Security patched commons-io library

  • I'm trying to use DOCX Merge smart service merge 2 or more DOCX files. When I run my process model, the smart service doesn't run into any exception or error and it runs successfully but the merged docx file will have only which is the first docx file. I can't find any alternative except the aspose licensed version. Can someone please help me with this? Thanks in advance.

  • Bullet points getting skip or replace with # when we use any "PDF from single DOCX with Fonts" or "PDF from DOCX without Fonts" . could you please help us in this.