Employee Skill Management (ESM)


Managing your employee’s skills proficiency is a process that can be difficult to track and handle due to the different sources of information involved. Deft Consulting's Employee Skill Management application provides a solution that centralizes skill set, proficiency and experience information in one user-friendly location, providing visibility and transparency into the process. Employees have the ability to endorse their peers’ skills to increase the level of confidence of the information. As a result, ESM allows a seamless decision making process when it comes to resource allocation and it also can be useful for identifying opportunities for growth and development within your team.

Key Features & Functionality

The following are key features and functionality offered by the solution:

  • Provides the staffing team the ability to identify employees based on skills and their proficiency level
  • Employee card generation using intuitive and user-friendly interfaces
  • Offers employees the possibility to conduct self-assessments and update their cards
  • Ability to record the level of experience as well as the years of experience each skill
  • Facilitates the skill assessment process by an employee’s supervisor
  • Easily track the status of the employee card from its creation to its final approval
  • Provides a skill endorsement feature among peers
  • Ability to record the industries on which the employee has gathered experience
  • Manages the credential information of each employee
  • Manages the clearance conditions of each employee
  • Ability to customize skills under different categories
  • Ability to define skill baselines per roles
  • Intuitive task management for all relevant users
  • Interfaces and branding can be easily modified to meet different branding requirements
  • Reports are available to provide aggregate skill data

Benefits & Business Impact

Any organization would benefit from a centralized, transparent solution that provides visibility and insight into the skill management process. Our solution allows employees to access real-time information about their skill set, proficiency and experience, as well as update it as they grow professionally.


  • v2.1.0 Release Notes
    • Revamp the visual design for a more modern and intuitive user experience
    • Create Appian Records and update the main Process Models
    • Update all the app to use Appian Records
    • Solve all bugs and issues
    • Implement AI Chat in Employee's Summary view
    • Implement Help Center
  • v2.1.0 Release Notes
    • Revamp the visual design for a more modern and intuitive user experience
    • Create Appian Records and update the main Process Models
    • Update all the app to use Appian Records
    • Solve all bugs and issues
    • Implement AI Chat in Employee's Summary view
    • Implement Help Center
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