Encryption Functions


Allows for the encryption and decryption of text data using symmetric AES encryption. This plug-in uses standard Java cryptography functions to expose expression functions for the encryption and decryption of data using AES.

Key Features & Functionality


  • encryptvalue(): Encrypt plain text data using an AES encryption key stored in the Secure Credentials Store
  • decryptvalue(): Decrypt encrypted text data using an AES encryption key stored in the Secure Credentials Store


  • Supports up to 256-bit AES keys when JCE Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy is enabled
  • Backwards compatible with older versions of Java lacking support for >128-bit encryption keys
  • Hi,

    I created a rule to encrypt/decrypt values using this plug-in and for both functions I use the same key defined in the Third party credential. 

    I first encrypt the value and store it in DB and then retrieve it in a process and decrypt the value. When trying to decrypt the encrypted value in the process I get the following error: 

    Expression evaluation error at function fn!decryptvalue [line 11]: Could not decrypt item of type javax.crypto.IllegalBlockSizeException: Input length must be multiple of 16 when decrypting with padded cipher. Item prepared for server was not encrypted: {1}.

    Has anyone face this issue before or has any idea on how to solve it? 

    Thanks in advance

  • Hi,

    I created a rule to encrypt/decrypt values using this plug-in and for both functions I use the same key defined in the Third party credential. 

    I first encrypt the value and store it in DB and then retrieve it in a process and decrypt the value. When trying to decrypt the encrypted value in the process I get the following error: 

    Expression evaluation error at function fn!decryptvalue [line 11]: Could not decrypt item of type javax.crypto.IllegalBlockSizeException: Input length must be multiple of 16 when decrypting with padded cipher. Item prepared for server was not encrypted: {1}.

    Has anyone face this issue before or has any idea on how to solve it? 

    Thanks in advance

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