End-User Reporting


Allows end users of the platform to construct their own grids, charts, and dashboards.

Key Features & Functionality

  • Quick setup of data catalog based on existing record types
  • Front end construction of the follow types: grid, pie charts, bar charts, column chart, line chart, KPI, and more!
  • Front end configuration of dashboards to combine multiple charts into a single page with page filters
  • Dashboards and reports can be individually shared with Users and Groups
  • End user documentation

Note: Appian provides self-service analytics capabilities where end users can explore enterprise data and build their own custom reports. Before downloading this utility, refer to Appian Documentation to see if you can use the available self-service analytics capabilities.

  • hi, While trying a add a configure a record , I get this error, any idea what is causing this error ?

    Also, if I upload another package of the same application, will it override the existing one ? 

  • Can you add support for Gantt Charts and Combo Charts (stacking charts on top of each other for use with multiple axis charts)?

  • Hello,

    Facing the below issue when we're trying to add Record Types.

  • Hi all,

    Facing the below error while deploying the application in 24.1 platform. 

    processModel 0002e68a-d619-8000-6684-014d98014d98 "": An error occurred while creating processModel [uuid=0002e68a-d619-8000-6684-014d98014d98]: com.appiancorp.process.validation.ValidationException: Process Model is not valid. The process model must have a valid name in the site primary language: English (GB).

    Has anyone faced this issue recently. If so, let me know the steps to resolve or the workaround for this

  • Just a follow up on this query:

    as i mentioned i am getting this error, help would be appreciated.

  • Getting this error while configuring the Reporting Record Types:

    Expression evaluation error [evaluation ID = 9a9ac:efa54] in rule 'eur_configurerecordtypes' at function a!forEach [line 190]: An error occurred while executing a save: java.lang.ClassCastException: class com.appiancorp.core.expr.portable.Value cannot be cast to class com.appiancorp.core.data.Variant (com.appiancorp.core.expr.portable.Value and com.appiancorp.core.data.Variant are in unnamed module of loader com.appiancorp.tomcat.loader.AppianWebappClassLoader @67207d8a).

    Anyone faced anything like this before?

  • You can simply use the properties file from the new installation or copy the values from below.  The shrd_appian_api_key isn't used by this application (needed for other applications like Data Generator) so you can leave it as a placeholder.

    ## Constant: SHRD_APPIAN_API_KEY
    ## Type: Text
    ## Text values will be displayed in Appian exactly as they are
    ## specified here. No spaces are trimmed. Values do not need to be
    ## encased in quotation marks.

    ## Constant: SHRD_USE_CACHE
    ## Type: Boolean
    ## Boolean values must be specified as either the text TRUE or FALSE.
  • Hi Michael, I downloaded the App package this week to upgrade from 2.8.0 to 3.0.0, but I'm experiencing the same problems as manjunathb0904. I manually fixed the SQL script but I still need the updated PROPERTIES file. Can you provide me the updated package?

  • You can leave it blank.  If you want to understand what it is used for, check the "Configure Application Specific Dashboards" article in the documentation in the app.

  • Hi,
    Can anyone please provide a hint what to put into the properties file for the 
    ## Type: Text (Array)
    ## Multiple values can be specified. Use a semicolon between each value.

    There is nothing in the documentation mentioned to put in there. Maybe it is mentioned in the application, but it is not
    possible to import it without the proper settings. 