

Receiving, reviewing, and processing permit applications can be extremely time-consuming and expensive. State and Local departments are likely wasting a lot of time and money having citizens manually submit permit applications by email, mail, or in-person.

Plus, your internal teams struggle to effectively collaborate on decisions and reporting.

The bottom line: you’re unable to effectively manage permit applications because your process is outdated, disconnected, and frustrating.

Key Features & Functionality
  • Simple, digital permit application forms.
  • Upload capabilities for multiple file types and sizes.
  • Portal for reviewing, updating, and managing applications.
  • Customizable work queue for application review and internal collaboration.
  • Integration capabilities for GIS systems and Google Maps for project/facility/site locations.
  • Automated alerts for assigned tasks, due dates, etc.
  • In-app communication for internal teams and applicants.
  • Reporting dashboard with customizable metrics/filters.
  • Configure inspection checklists by Permit Type
  • Schedule and complete Inspections including capture and upload of photos

Benefits & Business Impact
  • Review and process permit applications faster and with less overhead.
  • Reduce permit application submission times.
  • Simplify and streamline decision making and reporting. 
  • Enhance both internal and external collaboration and communication.
  • Enable operational growth.
  • Reduce employee burden and frustration.