eReq - Requisition Management System


Businesses today encounter significant challenges with their procurement processes. The manual requisition system, reliant on paperwork, often proves inefficient and time-consuming, causing delays and operational bottlenecks. Manual approach is prone to human errors, lacks visibility, and struggles to track requests and obtain timely approvals. Additionally, managing multiple approval hierarchies and workflows poses further complexities, leading to confusion and decreased productivity. Moreover, the absence of automated notifications and reminders results in missed deadlines and compliance risks, hindering regulatory adherence.

Key Features & Functionality

  • Streamline the requisition process with customizable automated workflows, ensuring requests move smoothly through approval stages within budget constraints.
  • An easy-to-use interface allows users to submit requisitions, track their status, and manage approvals effortlessly.
  • Access e-Requisition anytime, anywhere, with mobile-friendly interfaces for on-the-go requisition management.
  • Define and customize approval hierarchies based on organizational structures, ensuring requests are routed to the appropriate approvers efficiently.
  • Receive instant notifications for pending approvals, ensuring timely action and preventing delays in the requisition process.
  • Gain insights into requisition trends, approval times, and process bottlenecks through advanced analytics and reporting tools.
  • Ensure data security and confidentiality with role-based access control, restricting access to sensitive requisition information based on user roles.
  • Option to clone existing eReq requests to streamline the process for frequently requested items or services.

Benefits & Business Impact

  • Increased efficiency through automation and streamlined workflows.
  • Cost savings by reducing administrative expenses and non-compliance risks.
  • Enhanced visibility and control over the requisition process.
  • Improved compliance and auditability with comprehensive tracking and access control features.