Provides the following custom smart services and functions for handling data in Excel.
Key Features & Functionality
Smart Services included are:
Functions included are:
Does this plugin support these fucntions readcsvlogpagingwithheaders() & readexcelsheetpaging() and all the other read related fucntions for CSV files
readexcel() has been deprecated for about 2 years. readexcelsheetpaging() is the replacement and while it is not like for like it has additional functionality for most used cases.
Is the readexcel() function deprecated in this version? We need to read an excel file(xlsx) which has multiple grids in a sheet and both have different structures. Only readexcel() can read it but it is not showing the parameters to be passed.
Agreed with Stefan. Plugin brings a readme that has a detailed usage guide for each function/smart service. If you are looking for something else in particular please let us know.
If you are looking for documentation, just download the plugin. It includes a "readme.pdf".
Hello. I see here a lot of questions with no answers. Isn't there anyone supporting this plug-in? Please could anyone indicate if any documentation or use notes exist? So we don't have to make the crash course to make it work? For sure something can be found in youtube, but it would be better some indications from the official site.
thanks ;)
Has anyone encountered issues when their Excel file was generated with Google Sheets? When attempting to use Import Excel to Database, when the Excel file was made with Google Sheets the data is not being extracted from the document into the database table.
Hi Paul, can you expand a bit more on this? Do you see any exception in the logs?
What is entailed in a Security Update for the plugin? Working through an analysis of the plug in and looking for any additional details as to what is updated as part of the security updates.