IFM Manager


This Smart Service allows a designer to programmatically embed In-Flight Modification (IFM) calls within a process flow. IFM Queries are used to update running instances in bulk using an SQL-like syntax. An Application is included with a "Test Run" mode to see how many instances will be affected and if there were any issues while running the query.

This smart service can:

  • Target process models for mass update, or a specific instance
  • Update PV and CDT values
  • Reassign Tasks
  • Start Tasks
  • Cancel Tasks
  • Restart Tasks
  • Start task if no running instance
  • Update process instance security
  • Add new PVs to an instance
  • Support batching of instances
  • Hi,

    Is this plugin supports the latest Appian version 20.1, 20.2?

    We are trying to update the CDT type PV variable using the below query but throwing error like invalid char at index XX.

    "UPDATE_PMI " & ri!processId & " SET PV abcd = [internalize(""" & externalize(pv!newAbcd) & """)]"

    But when we try to update a attribute in CDT is working

    "UPDATE_PMI " & ri!processId & " SET PV = [""" & pv! & """]"

    And also we failing to import the provided example application (Test Run) because of the parse CSV plugin (which is deprecated now).  

    any advise will help us to proceed further.

    Thanks in advance,


  • If I remember correctly, I don't believe this supports update a CDT directly so your error is most likely due to the internalize/externalize combination.

    You are correct that the parse csv plugin has been deprecated, as you can see this plugin hasn't been updated in the last 5 years so has fallen out of date.  You should still be able to install most of the application, but the IFM CSV Upload process will fail to deploy.

  • If I remember correctly, I don't believe this supports update a CDT directly so your error is most likely due to the internalize/externalize combination.

    You are correct that the parse csv plugin has been deprecated, as you can see this plugin hasn't been updated in the last 5 years so has fallen out of date.  You should still be able to install most of the application, but the IFM CSV Upload process will fail to deploy.

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