Input Validation Functions


Validating user inputs in interface are made easy with this plug-in. Simply use our functions with the "validations" tag in each input.
For example:

  1. To validate Name: Use validations: isvalidname(ri!name)
    label: "Name",
    labelPosition: "ABOVE",
    saveInto: ri!name,
    value: ri!name,
    refreshAfter: "UNFOCUS",
    validations: isvalidname(ri!name)
  2. To validate Mobile Number: Use validations: isvalidmobilenumber(ri!text, "US")
    label: "Mobile Number",
    labelPosition: "ABOVE",
    saveInto: ri!text,
    value: ri!text,
    refreshAfter: "UNFOCUS",
    validations: isvalidmobilenumber(ri!text, "US")
  3. To validate Input Date is between Two dates: use validations: isdateandtimebetween(ri!date,todate("01/25/2025"),todate("01/30/2025"))
    label: "Date",
    labelPosition: "ABOVE",
    saveInto: ri!date,
    value: ri!date,
    validations: isdateandtimebetween(

Key Features & Functionality

By using this plug-in you can validate number, text, date, mobile number and email inputs.
Below is the list of functions with examples:

  • isvaildnumber(number): is used to validate the Number.
    1.isvaildnumber("123")-> ""
    2.isvaildnumber("123.34")-> ""
    3.isvaildnumber("123abc")-> "Invalid Number"
  • isdateandtimebetween(dateToValidate, startDate, endDate, include): is used to validate whether the Date or DateAndTime lies between Start Date or DateAndTime and End Date or DateAndTime.
    1.isDateAndTimeBetween(todate("01/20/2025"),todate("01/20/2025"),todate("01/31/2025"))-> "Date must lie between 01/20/2025 and 01/31/2025"
    2.isDateAndTimeBetween(todate("01/20/2025"),todate("01/20/2025"),todate("01/31/2025"),true)-> ""
  • comparedateandtime(dateToValidate, dateToCompare, operator): is used to Compare the Two Dates or DateAndTimes using the Operator.
    The allowed operators are =,>,<,>=,<=
    1.comparedateandtime(todate("01/20/2025"),todate("01/20/2025"),">")-> "Date must be greater than 01/20/2025"
    2.comparedateandtime(todate("01/15/2025"),todate("01/20/2025"),"<")-> ""
  • isvalidmobilenumber(mobileNumber, countryCode): is used to validate Mobile Number based on Country Code.
    1.isvalidmobilenumber("(281)388-0388","US")-> ""
    2.isvalidmobilenumber("(281)388-088","US")-> "Provide Correct Mobile Number"
  • isvalidname(name): is used to validate Name. It will allows only Alphabets and Space.
    1.isvalidname("John Doe")-> ""
    2.isvalidname("John Doe 123")-> "Only Alphabets and Space are allowed"
  • isvalidtext(text, specialCharacters): is used to validate Text. It will allows Alphabets, Numbers, Space and Special Characters passed as Input.
    1.isvalidtext("John Doe 123@#","@#_")-> ""
    2.isvalidtext("John Doe 123@#","$")-> "Only Alphabets, Space and $ are allowed"
  • isvalidemailaddress(email): The function is used to validate Email
    1.isvalidemailaddress("")-> ""
    2.isvalidemailaddress("john.doe@gmail")-> "Email Address is Invalid"
