Java Cryptography Architecture (JCA) Tools


Contains Functions that expose functionality provided by the Java Cryptography Architecture (JCA):

  • cryptoprovideravailable(): Returns true if the given cryptographic service provider is available for use in the system, otherwise returns false
  • listprovidersandalgorithms(): Returns a list of all available cryptographic service providers and algorithm details
  • randombytes(): Returns a random set of bytes as a hex-encoded string
  • passwordkey(): Generates a key value (as a hex-encoded byte string) from the provided password
  • passwordencrypt(): Encrypts the provided cleartext string using Password-Based Encryption (PBE) as defined in the PKCS #5 standard. Returns an encrypted ciphertext value (as a hex-encoded byte string) which can be decoded using passworddecrypt()
  • passworddecrypt(): Decrypts the provided hex-encoded ciphertext byte string using Password-Based Encryption (PBE) as defined in the PKCS #5 standard. Returns the originally encrypted cleartext value
  • keyencrypt(): Encrypts the provided cleartext string using the specified key and cipher transformation. Returns an encrypted ciphertext value (as a hex-encoded byte string) which can be decoded using keydecrypt()
  • keydecrypt(): Decrypts the provided hex-encoded ciphertext byte string using the specified key and cipher transformation. Returns the originally encrypted cleartext value
  • macsignature(): Computes a Mac signature

Note: The JCA framework uses different "providers" to implement specific cryptographic algorithms.  Provider implementations need to be installed prior to use.

See for more details.
