The Smart Service, Import Login Audit, will read your login audit file(s) and populate a database with information about logins. This is provided mainly as an example (source code provided) as you may need to modify the smart service to make it work with your environment.
As explained in docs.appian.com/.../High_Availability_and_Distributed_Installations.html in an HA set-up the use of a shared-logs folder is the recommendation.
When you go to the logs of your cloud-site you should see that the logs are read from the shared-logs location.
Looking at the code it seems it is designed to look for files in there, which suggests it should work.
String logsPath = ConfigurationLoader.getConfiguration().getAeLogs();
String logParentPath = new File(logsPath).getParent();
String sharedLogsPath = logParentPath + File.separator + SHARED_LOGS_FOLDERNAME;
if (new File(sharedLogsPath).exists()) {
List<File> allSharedLoginAuditFiles = new ArrayList<>();
allSharedLoginAuditFiles = listf(sharedLogsPath);
if(allSharedLoginAuditFiles.size() > 0) {
for (File file : allSharedLoginAuditFiles) {
I encourage you to review the login-audit.csv files in the logs folder (aka shared-logs for HA) and review whether it contains all logins, if so, then the plug-in will work because it will read it from shared-logs.