Contains multiple Smart Services and Functions for interacting with PDF Documents.
Key Features & Functionality
Smart Services:
was this resolved?
Hello,Can you please let me know the max memory size of the pdf's that can be used to merge to convert into one using the PDF Tools plugin.
Hello, we are starting a new project in an Appian Cloud environment, probably 19.3, using the getpdffields() function, is this plugin supported? What kind of libraries this plugin use? Can we assume that in further release this plugin will be supported?
Hello, we will soon update to 19.2.is this Version still supported?
Hi Is there a way where we can create a PDF from a Dynamic Template rather than a Static Template?
Hello again,
I fixed it! This has been stumping my team for weeks but it was as simple to use as you described. Our problem was we were still using version 1.5 of the plugin
I am trying to follow the information mentioned in the v2.2.1 Update to add images to a PDF using the Fill PDF smart service but have had no success getting the image to map to the pdf and it does not give an error. I have tried both .PNG and .JPG images with no success.
In Acrobat when creating the form template what field type and settings need to be in place to map the image correctly? In Acrobat for windows there is no Image form field type and on mac the image field appears to be simply an altered button type but following the instructions does not add the image to the form!
I know my smart node is correct because passing a text pdffield as well will populate correctly but passing the image field and document id has no effect. Please help clarify what I could be missing.
Thank you
Mathieu Drouin , can you check the application logs and see if there are more details? Also, is the pauseonerror flag set to true or false? If its true can you change it to false and then see if you get more error details either in process or in logs? Like Sylvain Furt asked in earlier comments please share all the details either with me (rahul.patil@appian.com) or with Sylvain, so we can try to reproduce this issue in-house.
I am assuming you are already using the latest version of the plug-in, if not please update the latest and give it a try.
I also have the same issue in 18.4 when using the Convert PDF to Image smart service.
bundleName for SmartServiceException, builder.smartServiceClass=class com.appiancorp.ps.pdftools.AbstractPDFDocumentGeneration
Hello Sylvain,
We are facing the same issue in our 18.2 :
Any help would be appreciated.