PDF Tools


Contains multiple Smart Services and Functions for interacting with PDF Documents.

Key Features & Functionality

Smart Services:

  • Merge PDF - Merges multiple PDF documents into a single document.
  • Extract PDF Pages - Extracts a range of pages from an existing PDF into a new PDF.
  • Fill PDF - Populates the fields of a PDF Form and optionally flattens it disallow further changes.
  • Create PDF Content - Allows text to be added to a PDF with control over the style, position, and angle. An existing PDF can be updated or a new one created from scratch.
  • Convert PDF to Image - Creates an array of images or a multi-page tiff from a PDF.
  • Compress PDF - Compresses the images in the PDF to make it smaller.
  • Un-protect and Copy PDF - Using the document password, create an un-protected copy of a protected PDF.
  • Convert Image to PDF - Creates a PDF starting from one or many images. It also supports multi-page tiff images.
  • Encrypt PDF - Encrypts an existing PDF with a password.


  • Get PDF Metadata - Retrieves metadata on the PDF: page count, title, author, security, encryption, etc.
  • Get PDF Text - Retrieves the text content from a PDF.
  • Get PDF Form Fields - Retrieves the populated form field values of an unflattened PDF.
  • Get PDF Signature Fields - Retrieves the populated signature field values of an unflattened PDF.
  • Get PDF Bookmarks - Retrieves the list of bookmarks and associated page number in the PDF

  • I'm attempting to get the number of pages from a PDF using getPDFMetaData, but it's erroring saying Error expected floating point number actual='-17.-32768'. 

  • Hi ,

    we are using fill pdf smart service so we can populate data but is seems that we are doing something wrong.

    Here is the exemple of it:

    = {
      Barcode: "123",
      BarCodeNumber: "456",
      CustomerFLName: "BDVBDVBCB",
      CustomerAddress: "BCMNDBSMBBV",
      ArchNum: "BFVKJBDBVMBVM",
      CMPL_Code: "  VM VMNMC M M",
      pozdrav: "BMCNBMBNCB NB",
      pricina: "VBMDBFVMNVBN",
      tabela_potpisi: " DC NMMN B",
      Aktivirajte: "VBMDBVMBM BCN"

    The data field are not fulfill it stay as it is define.

    The flatten filed is set to true().

    And getPdfFields() is responding correctly:

    [name=Barcode, value=], [name=BarCodeNumber, value=], [name=CustomerFLName, value=], [name=CustomerAddress, value=], [name=Datum, value=], [name=ArchNum, value=], [name=CMPL_Code, value=], [name=pozdrav, value=], [name=pricina, value=], [name=tabela_potpisi, value=], [name=Aktivirajte, value=]

    So we  assume that the template is OK.

    Any help is much appreciated.


  • Hi,

    Upgraded plugin to 2.4.1

    Unable to convert Tiff image to PDF. Similar error in comments below from 3 months ago.

    Also icons disappeared from process monitoring, process activity tab.

    Appian Support removed plugin and restarted server.

    Icons reappeared.

    Appian support reinstalled plugin and icons still available.

    And now the pdf to tiff conversion works.

    Any ideas on resolving this going forward?


  • Hi,   Did a bit more digging into my issue.     I feel what might be occurring is in my use case the master PDF, pages 1&2, have the same PDF fields defined as those in the pages Im trying to merge with.     Ideally I would like to behavior of merge to merge the PDF fields as well as opposed to renaming them.    

    Not sure if this is feasible or not.   Before digging into the source can anyone provide insights to my challenge?   Is what Im desiring even achievable with the Java libraries used? 



  • Hi,   I am using the merge PDF smart service node with  PDF pages which have fillable PDF fields where in the resulting PDF document the field names are getting altered in the result fillable PDF.   

    The  screen captures below show the  field names before the merge and after the merge.  After the merge the field names are dummyFieldName1...dummyFieldName##.     

    What would cause the PDF field name changes and is there anything I can do to stop this behavior?


     PDF Fields Before Merge




  • Hello Manjit,
    I am not sure if this plugin is suitable for a 1:1 conversion from PDF to another format.
    -> can you challenge this requirement?

  • Hi Richard
    Could you please help me out to convert pdf to csv? I am using pdf tools as well. Ho w can I get a pdf text?

  • Hi Chiara, 

    It tested SVG with the current version. I got the following errormessage from the plugin:

    "Error converting image to PDF"
    so it looks like SVG is not in the scope.

    Kind regards,

  • If this a possibility I would certainly be interested. But to start with I was just trying to understand if the function could be supported. Thank you .

  • Hi Chiara, i will evaluate this, if you are interested :)