Personalization Utilities


Contains a collection of Functions and Smart Services under the Identity Management palette:

Smart Services:

  • Rename Custom Group:
    • Allows you to change the name to any group, even if it is a custom group
  • Create Custom Title:
    • Creates a custom title to be displayed in the Title dropdown when creating a user account
  • Rename Custom Title:
    • Allows the renaming of a custom title due to organizational changes or the discarding of a duplicate title
  • Deactivate Users:
    • Deactivate multiple users at the same time
  • Reactivate Users:
    • Reactivate multiple users at the same time
  • Create User With i18n:
    • Allows you to set the locale, the timezone and calendar preferences for the user to be created
      • Please note: DOES NOT Send Temporary Credentials Email
  • Import Users from CSV Smart Service
    • A template is included with this download

Key Features & Functionality

  • isUsernameAvailableForNewAccount()
    • Wrapper to call the isusernameavailable() method in the UserService API.
  • getDeactivatedUsersBy()
    • Allows you to search for deactivated users based on different fields, values for those fields and two operators (1:EQUALS and 2:CONTAINS)
  • getUsersBy()
    • Allows you to search for active users based on different fields, values for those fields and two operators (1:EQUALS and 2:CONTAINS)
  • userSearch()
    • Allows you to do a multi-field search. Syntax is "userSearch(Text[] property, Number[] operator, Text[] value)"
  • v3.7.0 Release Notes
    • New and improved version of Import Users from CSV
    • All user profile fields available for create/update
    • Automatically reactivates deactivated users who are on the list
    • Outputs lists of users who have been created and updated
    • Allows to skip the first row (header) of CSV
    • NOTE: the node now uses 0-based index.
    • NOTE2: The old version of the node is now deprecated, you will need to pull in the new node from palette and reconfigure it.
  • v3.7.0 Release Notes
    • New and improved version of Import Users from CSV
    • All user profile fields available for create/update
    • Automatically reactivates deactivated users who are on the list
    • Outputs lists of users who have been created and updated
    • Allows to skip the first row (header) of CSV
    • NOTE: the node now uses 0-based index.
    • NOTE2: The old version of the node is now deprecated, you will need to pull in the new node from palette and reconfigure it.
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